Special Needs Provision
The school provides for children with a wide range of abilities. Places are allocated in line with the whole school admissions policy of the Governing Body. Our objective is to meet the individual needs of all children irrespective of whether they have physical, sensory, emotional, behavioural, specific or general learning needs.
All children are special, but a few, at some time in their lives, need extra help to achieve their full potential. The nature of this help is decided in consultation with parents and may include extra attention individually or in a small group from a classroom assistant or teacher, a Support Plan with specific targets, and special work to do at home with the support of parents. In some instances teachers from the Special Educational Needs Service, Physiotherapists and Speech Therapists support children.
The school is on one floor and has wheelchair access to the site. The school has facilities for personal care, including a toilet/shower facility for people with disabilities. There is a portable ramp to this toilet and the Hall.
We also identify Gifted and Talented children and provide for their needs.
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