Iver Heath

Nurturing happy, healthy, confident learners in a safe, rich learning environment

  • 'Thank you for all the guidance and support you have given our daughter. You have really instilled a lot of confidence in her!'
  • 'Words cannot express how grateful my husband and I are to all the staff for the hours of dedication and support that you have given our son throughout his time at the school!' (Parent)
  • 'Our daughter thoroughly enjoyed her experiences during her Forest School sessions and we enjoyed listening to her excited stories afterwards!'
  • 'Thank you for all your hard work, care and never ending support'.
  • 'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all' Aristotle
  • 'It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression' Albert Einstein
  • 'Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire' WB Yeats
  • 'Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world' Nelson Mandela


We believe in the importance of an education that engages with the head, the heart and the hand.

‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all’ Aristotle 

The education of the ‘Head’ includes the key subjects of English and Maths. As the child develops   enjoyment of and confidence in these subjects they are able to build a deeper understanding, knowledge and ways of thinking in other areas such as science, history, geography and the creative arts.

 Education of the ‘Heart’ involves the building of character traits such as kindness, tolerance and resilience. Children develop their understanding of spiritual, moral, social and cultural themes helping them to become happy and confident members of not just our school community but of the local, national and global community. As a Rights Respecting School our children have the opportunity to discuss, debate and learn from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Education of the ‘Hand’ aims to develop a ‘can do’ attitude in our children. We nurture creativity, imagination and problem solving. We highly value the work that our children produce and we celebrate this work through whole school assemblies, displays, exhibitions, themed weeks and productions.

To learn more about our Creative Curriculum please click here for the Curriculum policy and read the information below and on the pages within this menu tab.

 Children in Nursery and Reception classes follow a learning programme based on the Government’s Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012. They are given experiences and learning opportunities which develop their skills and concepts in seven areas.

The three prime areas are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development

The four specific areas are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive arts and design

Children in Year 1 and Year 2 classes follow the National Curriculum, which covers:

  • English 
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Art
  • Music 
  • Geography
  • History 
  • Physical Education
  • Design and Technology 
  • Computing
  • They also follow the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, and an adapted PSHCE scheme.

In the teaching of phonics the school uses Letters and Sounds and Jolly Phonics.

Our reading resource has books from various schemes including:

Jelly and Bean

Oxford Reading Tree

Big Cat

Reading 360

As far as possible teachers plan their work through half-termly or termly cross-curricular topics, and teach through a variety of styles, contexts and approaches. We use a thematic approach using a creative curriculum, making learning exciting and effective.

If you would like more information about the curriculum please see the relevant pages on this website and the individual class pages under the 'classes' tab on the left, or speak to your child's class teacher.

 Please look here for our Curriculum Intent 2021