Digital Leaders
At Iver Heath Infants we believe it is important that our children not only understand how to stay safe online themselves but also to take responsibility for helping others to understand.
Each of our classes has 2 'Digital Leaders' who are responsible for attending a monthly meeting where our online safety message of the month is discussed. The digital leaders then share this with the class and ask them to discuss it with their parents/carers. The message is displayed in the class to be referred to when technology is used and also on classroom doors as a reminder for parents.
Iver Heath Infant School and Nursery
E-safety Policy
E-Safety Coordinator – Mrs Rowntree
The esafety coordinator will work closely with the Head teacher who is also the Designated Person for Child Protection.
Our E-Safety Policy has been written by the school, building on the Buckinghamshire Council E-Safety Policy and government guidance. It has been agreed by the senior management and approved by staff and governors.
The E-Safety Policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually.
Teaching and Learning
Aims - Why is Internet use important?
The purpose of Internet use in school is to raise educational standards, to promote pupil achievement, to support the professional work of staff, to promote E-safety awareness and to enhance the school’s management functions.
Internet use is part of the statutory curriculum and a necessary tool for learning.
Internet access is an entitlement for pupils who show a responsible and mature approach to its use.
The Internet is an essential element in 21st century life for education, business and social interaction. The school has a duty to provide students with quality Internet access as part of their learning experience.
Pupils use the Internet widely outside school and will need to learn how to evaluate Internet information and to take care of their own safety and security.
What are the benefits of Internet use in education?
Benefits of using the Internet in education include:
- Access to world-wide educational resources including museums and art galleries.
- Possible educational and cultural exchanges between pupils world-wide.
- Access to experts in many fields for pupils and staff.
- Professional development for staff through access to national developments, educational materials and effective curriculum practice.
- Collaboration across support services and professional associations.
- Improved access to technical support including remote management of networks and automatic system updates.
- Exchange of curriculum and administration data with Buckinghamshire Council and the DfE.
- Access to learning wherever and whenever convenient.
How can internet use enhance learning?
- The school’s Internet access will be designed expressly for pupil use and will include filtering appropriate to the age of pupils.
- Pupils will be taught what Internet use is acceptable and what is not and given clear objectives for Internet use.
- Internet access will be planned to enrich and extend learning activities. Access levels will be reviewed to reflect the curriculum requirements and age of pupils.
- Staff should guide pupils in on-line activities that will support the learning outcomes planned for the pupil’s age and maturity.
- Pupils will be educated in the effective use of the Internet in research, including the skills of knowledge location, retrieval and evaluation at an age appropriate level.
The school will ensure that the copying and subsequent use of Internet derived materials by staff and pupils complies with copyright law.
Managing Information Systems
Local Area Network security issues include:
- Users must act reasonably – e.g. the downloading of large files during the working day will affect the service that others receive.
- Users must take responsibility for their network use.
- Workstations should be secured against user mistakes and deliberate actions.
- Servers must be located securely and physical access restricted.
- The server operating system must be secured and kept up to date.
- Virus protection for the whole network must be installed and current.
- Access by wireless devices must be pro-actively managed.
Wide Area Network (WAN) security issues include:
- All Internet connections should be arranged via the BucksGfL to ensure compliance with the security policy.
- BucksGfL firewalls and switches are configured to prevent unauthorised access between schools.
- Decisions on WAN security are made on a partnership basis between school and Buckinghamshire Council.
- The security of the school information systems will be reviewed regularly.
- Virus protection will be updated regularly.
- Security strategies will be discussed with Buckinghamshire Council advisers.
- Personal data sent over the Internet will be encrypted or otherwise secured.
- Portable media may not used without specific permission followed by a virus check.
- Files held on the school’s network will be regularly checked.
- BucksGfl system support team will review system capacity regularly.
How will email be managed?
- Pupils will only use 2email to send and receive emails.
How will published material be managed?
- The contact details on the website should be the school address, e-mail and telephone number.
- Staff or pupils’ personal information must not be published.
- E-mail addresses should be published carefully, to avoid spam harvesting.
- The Head teacher and Computing coordinator will take overall editorial responsibility and ensure that content is accurate and appropriate.
- The website should comply with the school’s guidelines for publications including respect for intellectual property rights and copyright.
Can pupil’s images or work be published?
- Images that include pupils will be selected carefully
- Pupils full names will not be used anywhere on the website, particularly in association with photographs.
- Written permission from parents or carers will be obtained before images of pupils are electronically published.
- Parents to sign form declaring no photos taken at school will be loaded onto social networking sites.
How will social networking and personal publishing be managed?
- Parents to sign form declaring no photos taken at school will be loaded onto social networking sites.
- Pupils will be advised never to give out personal details of any kind which may identify them and / or their location. Examples would include real name, address, mobile or landline phone numbers, school attended, IM and e-mail addresses, full names of friends, specific interests and clubs etc.
How will filtering be managed?
- The school will work with Buckinghamshire Council and BucksGfL to ensure that systems to protect pupils are regularly reviewed.
- If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites, the URL must be reported to the E-Safety Coordinator.
- Senior staff will ensure that regular checks are made to ensure that the filtering methods selected are appropriate, effective and reasonable.
- Any material that the school believes is illegal must be reported to appropriate agencies such as IWF or CEOP (addresses later).
- The school’s filtering strategy will be designed by educators to suit the age and curriculum requirements of the pupils advised by Bucksgfl.
How will video conferencing be managed?
- Video conferencing will be allowed in our school for staff only when children are not present in the room.
How can emerging technologies be managed?
- Emerging technologies will be examined for educational benefit and a risk assessment will be carried out before use in school is allowed.
- The school should investigate wireless, infra-red and Bluetooth communication technologies.
How should personal data be protected?
- Personal data will be recorded, processed, transferred and made available according to GDPR.
- Details kept for only a relevant amount of time as listed on the GDPR asset audit tool.
- Privacy notices are available on the school website for pupils and parents.
- Privacy notices for staff and governors are available in school.
- Digital photos of children will be deleted from class cameras, teacher laptops and class computers after a relevant amount of time and at least annually.
- Staff must take all reasonable care when using, storing and transporting memory sticks, cds or dvds containing school data.
Digital cameras
- Digital cameras can spread viruses in a similar way to memory sticks.
- School digital cameras can be used by staff and pupils as part of the curriculum and for providing evidence of work.
- Staff should not use their own digital cameras to take images of pupils.
- Digital images of staff or pupils must not be emailed or given to someone outside the school premises without the permission of the Head teacher.
- Digital images should be kept on the camera for as short a time as possible and then deleted.
- Pupils should not use personal digital cameras on the school premises without the permission of the Head teacher.
Mobile phones
- Pupils are not allowed to use mobile phones on the school premises or during school activities off site.
- Mobile phones will not be used during lessons or formal school time.
- Staff should not have mobile phones on them in the classroom without the permission of the Head teacher but rather they should be kept in the class cupboard.
- Staff will not use mobile phones in the classroom and the taking of digital images of children on mobile phones is forbidden.
- The security of school laptops is of prime importance due to their portable nature and the possible confidential data stored on them.
- School data must not be stored on personal laptops for a prolonged period of time.
- Webcams will only be used for creating films in school and will not be used for video conferencing.
- From September 2020 webcams will be used for parent consultations, staff meetings and online learning opportunities for staff.
Home learning
- From April 2020 the school implemented ‘Seesaw’ as a method of home learning.
- All parents are asked to sign a consent form before their child is given access to Seesaw.
- Seesaw is used to support home learning in the event of a lockdown or quarantining of a pod.
- Seesaw is used as a means of communication with parents about their child’s education.
How will Internet access be authorised?
- The school will maintain a current record of all staff and pupils who are granted access to the school’s electronic communications.
- All staff must read and sign the E-safety Code of Conduct before using any school computing resource.
- Access to the Internet will only be by adult supervision to specific, approved on-line materials.
- Parents will be asked to sign and return a consent form for pupil access.
- Parents will be informed that pupils will be provided with supervised Internet access.
How will risks be assessed?
- The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate material. However, due to the global and connected nature of Internet content, it is not possible to guarantee that access to unsuitable material will never occur via a school computer. Neither the school nor Buckinghamshire Council can accept liability for the material accessed, or any consequences resulting from Internet use.
- The school should audit computing use to establish if the E-safety policy is adequate and that the implementation of the E-safety policy is appropriate.
- The use of computer systems without permission or for inappropriate purposes could constitute a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990.
- Methods to identify, assess and minimise risks will be reviewed regularly.
How will E-safety complaints be handled?
- Complaints of Internet misuse will be dealt with by a senior member of staff.
- Any complaint about staff misuse must be referred to the Head teacher.
- Pupils and parents will be informed of the complaints procedure.
- Parents and pupils will need to work in partnership with staff to resolve issues.
How is the Internet used across the community?
- The school will liaise with local organisations to establish a common approach to E-safety.
- The school will be sensitive to Internet related issues experienced by pupils out of school, e.g. social networking sites, and offer appropriate advice.
Communicating the policy
- E-Safety rules will be posted in rooms with Internet access.
- Instruction in responsible and safe use should precede Internet access.
- All computing units of work will cover relevant E-safety. E-safety will be also be included in the teaching of PCSHE.
How will the policy be discussed with staff?
- All staff will be given the School E-Safety Policy and its application and importance explained.
- Staff should be aware that Internet traffic can be monitored and traced to the individual user.
- Discretion and professional conduct is essential.
- Staff training in safe and responsible Internet use and on the school E-Safety Policy will be provided as required.
How will the parents support be enlisted?
- Parent’s attention will be drawn to the school’s E-Safety Policy in newsletters, the school brochure and on the school website.
- A partnership approach with parents will be encouraged. This could include parent evenings with demonstrations and suggestions for safe home Internet use.
- Interested parents will be referred to organisations listed in ‘Contacts and references’.
- The school’s ‘Computing Code of Conduct’ will be shared with parents via Seesaw and parents will be asked to respond to show that they have seen and discussed it with their child.
Contacts and references
BucksICT Support Team Website
BucksGfL Website
BBC Chat Guide
Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre
Grid Club and the Cyber Cafe
Internet Watch Foundation
Internet Safety Zone
NCH – The Children’s Charity
Stop Text Bully
Think U Know website
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