Please click here to go to our E-safety page to find out how we support our children and families in staying safe online.
Please take a look at the useful websites below and the online subscriptions we have purchased in the next column.
STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths)
Please clickhere
for ideas for STEM activities you can do at home.
Please click here to see a list of useful maths websites and apps.
Please click here to see a list of useful english websites and apps.
Phonics Play provide free access to some of their resources to support learning in phonics.
Discovery Education
A wonderful resource for all curriculum subjects. Our school has purchased a subscription for the children to use in school and at home. Please see the inside of your child's reading record for details of logins.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is used to support the teaching and learning of our Computing curriculum. It also offers lots of games and activities across all of the curriculum subjects.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have their own individual login. Nursery have a class login. This can be found stuck into the cover of your child's reading record.