The School and the Community
We value the support given to the school from members of the wider community and encourage the children to contribute to the community in whatever way they can.
We have links with Bodley House- centre for the elderly, the Church, local shops, Parent Support groups, Councillors, health agencies, local schools and businesses.
The Governing Body has a key role to play in helping the school to provide the best possible education for its pupils. Governors have a wide range of duties and responsibilities. The Governing Body is made up, not only of parents and teachers, but also of representatives from the Parish and County Councils, and members of the local business community who have skills to contribute. Governors visit the school and attend assemblies and special occasions.
The local vicar from St Margaret’s Church comes into school regularly. Police, Fire Officers and Road Safety Officers are invited to talk to the children about safety issues. he Health Visitor, School Nurse, Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapists and other professionals visit the school from time to time.
Children regularly go out into the community on visits to support their learning. In particular we have links with local farms and the church.
We have also been grateful to local businesses over the past years for gifts and sponsorship.