Nursery - Goslings, Chicks and Ducklings
Welcome to our Nursery web page. Here you will find useful links to help support your child's home learning.
Each week Mrs Williams will write a newsletter to give you information about what is happening in Nursery. She will send this as an announcement on Seesaw.
Please can you send your child into Nursery with comfortable shoes that they can run around in easily outside.
Please click here for Exercise cards.
Please click here for a play dough recipe.
Please click here for a sheet showing letter formation.
Please click here for 5 fun and easy ideas
Please click here for speech bubbles
Exciting news! We now have the online PE activity platform up and running. It is called Jasmine , just click on the link to join in the fun!
Kind regards,
Mrs Williams, Mrs Crone and Staff.
Please click here to view ideas for how to help your child with maths at home.
Please click here to see the Nursery assessment ladders
For ideas of how to make a "Maths fun box" at home please click here.
To visit our Computing page where you will find a list of useful maths and english websites and apps please click here.